Let It Roll Summer Festival 2017 - Dark DnB Review | News | Dark DnB


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Denver we love and miss you, can’t wait to be back. Tickets: https://t.co/TQ4O0FyKMO https://t.co/fol0LMiV2z
@ThysMusic We used to call that the poor man’s sidechain in hardcore.
@EduardoHagn What a lil bitch so he should
Andy C
This week!! Thursday - @dourfestival 🇧🇪 Sunday @electricbayfest 🇬🇧 https://t.co/DTIOv8u4b7
@xlnaudio Fairfax looks great! Already have the Funk set which is stellar, but time to expand :D
@Protostar @xlnaudio Hahaha, will take a look!
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Let It Roll Summer Festival 2017 - Dark DnB Review | 20th of March 2018
Let It Roll 2017

In this review we will be looking back at the Let It Roll festival of 2017. First of all, get your ticket! Even if you're just thinking about going, because this is a festival like no other. Every year the biggest labels and artists from all over the globe host several stages and bus party's.


Let It Roll, the largest drum and bass festival in the world, is a 3-day festival that has been on our bucket list for a few years and we finally had the chance to visit this festival. As we were traveling by airplane from Amsterdam to Prague, it was just a short flight to happiness. After picking up our rental car we had a short site seeing at Prague city. A great place to hang around for a few days, but we were hungry for some serious snares so we quickly went to our B&B where we were staying for the upcoming days (mornings). After dropping off our stuff, we instantly went to the festival.

When we arrived we were amazed by the size of the festival and checked out the several stages which were each hosted by different labels. Since it was Thursday and we knew that the Dutch label Prspct was hosting the Shredder stage this night, we went there first and had our serious doses of snares. The Shredder stage was an open air stage that kind of looked like a junkyard with old cars and robots. For the next three days and nights only the hardest Drum & Bass and Crossbreed would be played here. This stage was definitely one of the hardest stages of Let It Roll 2017.

BUT WE WANTED MORE (as the Let It Roll mainstage would say).

So we went to the Madhouse stage which was a really big tent which was hosted this night by Critical Recordings. The music was so loud that we both got goosebumps while entering the area which was pretty full already. People were going crazy to the sounds of PhaceMefjus and Emperor. This area was definitely our favourite one and after seeing and hearing these heroes we knew that the upcoming days were going to be fantastic!

We finished our first festival night with the sounds of James Marvel at the Underworld stage which was hosted by Audioporn.
The area was also a tent and was located at the center of the festival. This stage had an extreme roaring soundsystem and James Marvel showed the crowd how it has to be done. Only the roughest records from him! After this hour, we went satisfied to our taxi driver who brought us back to the apartment.

With the high temperature these days and no air conditioning in our B&B we couldn't get much sleep the next morning, but after looking back at all the pictures and movies on our phones and cameras we knew one thing...

WE STILL WANTED MORE (as the Let It Roll mainstage would say)

So we went over to a little town called Nymburk and ordered something to drink and ate at a restaurant called Biograf.
We both took a big burger and a coke and after the first bite of this burger WE KNEW WE WANTED MORE! This was the burger we now call ''The Nymburger'', the ONE that powered us for the next day and the days to come at our Let It Roll experience! Friday was going to be a great day since we booked ourselves a bus party which was hosted by Ram Records. Teddy Killerz was going to perform and we were really exited because we saw them at Noisia invites in Amsterdam a few years ago and that performance was epic.

As we arrived at the festival we saw a strange kind of Mad Max truck driving towards us and we thought what the fuck? This can't be it!  
But it actually was! The bus that was going down the runway and people were going crazy on it! So we went to the bus entrance and the first thing we saw in the bus was a bar where you could get drinks. Don't drink in a public transport? Well over here you certainly can! Teddy Killerz and Bensley were tearing this bus apart with the sickest Drum & Bass. Our day couldn't start any better than with these two guys! With our clothes drowned in sweat, we got off the bus en went straight towards the festival area.

Let It Roll 2017 - Busparty

Friday was the day of the opening show and the line up for this night was also really big. Choices had to be made because we certainly couldn't see every artist we wanted to see. After walking around on the festival area, we decided to go to the Shredder stage which was hosted by Forbidden Society Records. Here we saw Counterstrike tearing the place apart and after that we went over to the mainstage to witness the opening show!

When we arrived at the mainstage the music was already pumping through the audience and everybody was waiting for the big moment to come. Finally, it was getting dark outside and at ten o'clock the show began. This show was really big with fireworks and the stage turned over into some kind of robot and talked to the audience.

At a festival in the Netherlands we only see a show at the end, and after that it's done. But an opening show is way much better because when that one is finished you know that you can party on for the next two days! After the opening show we went over to one of our favorite artists, Neonlight. At this time the Shredder stage was very crowded and people were going insane to the music of Neonlight!

The time was about twelve o'clock and we went to the Factory stage to see Bad Company and Killbox. This night at the Factory stage was hosted by RAM Records and the stage was incredible. It was like we were in front of a big Drum & Bass church. The ambiance at the stage was great and everybody was dancing there ass off!


After two hours of total disorder at the Factory stage the time had come to go to the Madhouse stage which was hosted by Shogun Audio. The Blackout crew 'Black Sun Empire & Mr Multiplex' were performing at this time. At this point we were flying, I think! We were dancing like animals with two guys from England or Australia with a sick smiley flag from another guy! It was an epic night and we will never forget these moments! But enough of this sentimental bullshit, back to our story!

We still had a few hours to go and we went back to the Factory stage to see Teddy Killerz. On our way to the area we first took some more beer because we were thirsty of dancing the last few hours. The performance of Teddy Killerz was just like the bus party, amazing! And respect for the track they played at the end by Linkin Park in memory of Chester Bennington (R.I.P). After this track our feet where turned backwards.

The time was about four o'clock and WE STILL WANTED MORE (as the Let It Roll mainstage would say).

So we went back to the Madhouse stage were we checked out Fourward and last but not least, Joe Ford. These two hours we were dancing till the sun came up and we knew there was still another day coming up!
Stumbling to our taxi we decided to get our selves a burger at one of the food points at the runway. It was an excellent made-with-love burger and you get them with a big smile from the guy who makes them. If this nice guy is selling his burgers next year in the summer  we will certainly get another one (or more). The taxi driver of that morning is one of the people we don't want to see next year, but that's a different story. We safely arrived at the apartment and had another short sleep because of the extreme heat inside.


We woke up drowned in sweat on Saturday because it was another hot day. We decided to go back to Nymburk to get something to eat. Of course we were thinking about the "Nymburger", but we needed some healthy food to power up a bit. Risotto it was and this was the power food we needed because we had booked ourselves another two bus parties! After this delicious meal we went back to the apartment where we had our first rum coke of the day. After a few glasses the taxi driver was finally there and we went to the festival for the last day.

This taxi driver didn't have any idea where he was going and dropped us of at the wrong side of the festival. We had to walk for 20 minutes in the summer heat (more than 32 degrees Celsius) to get to the entrance. On the festival runway we already saw the party bus leaving and we heard the first tunes of June Miller and Twisted:Minds. "Fuck, this can't be happening" we said!

Finally, we got to the bus and luckily we only missed the first 5 minutes of the bus party. This was definitely the best bus party of the three we had! People where going insane and the DJ's themselves too! The bus was shaking like hell and it didn't stop until the music was finished.
At the point they played June Miller's track 'Dominator' we thought this couldn't get any better. But then June Miller's - Mark McCann did some serious crowd surfing and he was on our shoulders at the last track of the set! There are no words to say how epic this moment was. Big Thanks to June Miller and Twisted Minds for giving us this great hour!

When it was finished we were drowned in sweat again and had a half an hour break because the next bus party was already coming.
Our last one was the Eatbrain bus party with Jade and Mindscape! But this one was unfortunately not as good as we hoped for. They played really great tunes and we enjoyed it a lot, but the crowd wasn't so exited as they were at the bus party before. So at some point the vibe was a bit missing. After these two bus parties we needed to sit down for a moment and we watched some skateboarders doing tricks at the little skate park on the festival area.

Right after this little break we decided to go to the mainstage where The Prototypes were performing. The whole atmosphere felt kind of strange because the wind was very strong at that point of time and it was like we were on a big party in the middle of the desert!
These guys where playing an amazing set and we enjoyed it a lot. After their performance we stayed another hour to watch Matrix & Futurebound. We couldn't have had a better start at the mainstage!

Let It Roll 2017 - The Prototypes

We decided to go to our favorite stage, the Madhouse stage, which was hosted by Eatbrain. There we saw Mob Tactics and State of mind. These guys threw in some really sick tunes and the crowd was going insane! Also, the visuals at the stage were in Eatbrain style the whole night. A lot of people wore their merchandise, it was clear that their fan-base is huge!

After we had another two great hours at the Madhouse stage, we went to see Delta Heavy. We can't describe how great the atmosphere was when we arrived at the mainstage again. Everybody was dancing their asses off like it was the last day of their lives.
(We understood.....it kind of felt the same for us too). Also the visual effects were amazing and at some point the stage showed a really sick face which was constantly looking over the crowd!
Let It Roll 2017 mainstage

When Delta Heavy ended his shift it was time for the last hour at the mainstage and June Miller did what they had to do! Tear the fucking place apart with a destroying last set at Let It Roll! It is a pity that this great duo is splitting up and it was a great honor to see them perform together for the last time. We hope to see these guys doing their solo projects in the near future and hopefully also at the next Let It Roll festival!

And still after three days of non-stop Drum & Bass we knew WE STILL WANTED MORE!!! (as the Let It Roll mainstage would say).

So we went to the Madhouse stage for our last blast of Eatbrain snares with Telekinesis and Zombie Cats! Again we were amazed by the Eatbrain dancing army over there!

We danced till the sun came up for three days in a row. Before our trip to Let It Roll we thought this was impossible but this music gave (and still gives) us so much energy that we just couldn't stop dancing! We have been to a lot of festivals in our lives but this was certainly the best one.


Let It Roll is the largest drum and bass festival in the world, with multiple stages each day featuring the greatest artists in the Drum & Bass scene. If you're a fan of Drum & Bass you must check out this festival as it is getting bigger and bigger each year.
We have only one word to describe this festival: AWESOME!

It was a trip of two friends with only one thing on their mind..... DARK DRUM AND BASS!

See You All @ Let It Roll 2018!
Buy your tickets at: https://www.letitroll.eu/tickets/

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