Let It Roll Summer Festival 2019 - Dark DnB Review | News | Dark DnB


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Denver we love and miss you, can’t wait to be back. Tickets: https://t.co/TQ4O0FyKMO https://t.co/fol0LMiV2z
@ThysMusic We used to call that the poor man’s sidechain in hardcore.
@EduardoHagn What a lil bitch so he should
Andy C
This week!! Thursday - @dourfestival 🇧🇪 Sunday @electricbayfest 🇬🇧 https://t.co/DTIOv8u4b7
@xlnaudio Fairfax looks great! Already have the Funk set which is stellar, but time to expand :D
@Protostar @xlnaudio Hahaha, will take a look!
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Let It Roll Summer Festival 2019 - Dark DnB Review | 21st of August 2019
Let It Roll Summer Festival 2019 - Dark DnB Review

Hell yeah! The time has finally come... The countdown is over... Let It Roll! If you like drum and bass music this is most definitely the place where you want to go. This year was our third time and Let It Roll is THE best festival for neurofunk and other high quality drum and bass music. We went with three friends to the festival and we had such a great time that we decided to create a new review about the biggest drum and bass festival in the world.

Okay here we go... The Dark DnB review of Let It Roll 2019...

- Let’s get this party started -
On Thursday morning the three of us met each other at the Amsterdam airport to get our flight to Prague. It was a nice short flight and after a little more than an hour we landed in the Czech Republic. Since we've been at Let It Roll for the last two years, we knew our way around, so everything went smoothly. We got our car and we instantly went to drop our personal stuff off at the hotel. It was a nice hotel where also some drum and bass artists stayed during this weekend. After freshening up fast we called our Czech friend from last years and we went to the festival area.

When we arrived we were amazed again by the size of the festival and how it’s getting bigger every year! The first act we wanted to see was Akov, so we went to the Shredder stage. Just like the last few years the Shredder stage looked like an old junkyard with broken cars and robots. The industrial vibe was amazing and the roaring sound system gave us goosebumps!
Next up: State of Mind. This name needs no introduction. If neurofunk had a different name it would be that! After witnessing many of his performances at Blackout in The Netherlands, we already knew that this act would be great… And it really was! These guys really know how to party.

Almost at the end of this act we called our new Czech friend and went to get a drink with him. A few drinks later and a little more loosened up, we went to see one of our favorites, the one and only Abis! This guy showed us how to tear a stage apart. The crowd was going mad and he was throwing snares at us like they were for free! The last track, one of our favorites, was “The Wall” by Abis and Signal ft. Tasha Baxter. This track is insane! Check it out yourself:
After a short moment of relaxation with a couple of beers, shots of whiskey, and Jägermeister, we were ready for a real Czech hero who’s called Rido. He played at the Portal stage which was a really big tent at the center of the festival terrain. Also, known for his neurofunk heart, we knew that this act was going to be massive and it really was! He played a real Dark DnB set, just the way we like it. Thank you Rido!

That was about it for day one. After this amazing set we slowly went to get ourselves some Mongol food before we went back to our hotel.

- The Ed Rush Experience -
After only a few hours of sleep (far too short, but hey, Let It Roll Summer is only once a year). The three of us met up and decided to get ourselves a nice hamburger at our favourite restaurant called Biograf in Nymburk. The bacon burger was so good that we called it the Nymburger.

Nymburger 2019 @ Biograf

As we just closed the door of our hotel room we looked to our left and recognized the one and only Ed Rush, a real drum and bass pioneer! We had a short chat with him and told him that we had booked ourselves a bus party to see him and Audio that same day. We gave him some of our Dark DnB stickers and went off for some power food at Biograf. We knew that we surely needed this because that bus party was going to be massive!

After the great Nymburger we quickly freshened up and went off to the festival area. When we arrived we instantly got on our bus ride! As they put the first record on, we knew this bus party was the right choice… Killbox was on fire. The whole bus went upside down! Check out the movie we made, it was fucking awesome!

So now you know how Killbox kills the dance floor… We highly recommend you to book yourself a bus party next year, it’s an awesome experience!

Drowned in sweat, we walked from this massive bus party! And we knew that we were going to see Audio and Ed Rush again that same night at the Portal and Temple stage. We had a short break with quite a lot of booze and stumbled to the Shredder stage for much more snares!

Next up: Merikan. Okay, so this guy rocked the Shredder stage in a way that only Merikan can! With a 30 minute break at every stage coming up for the opening show, he knew he could go hard as fuck! And that’s just what he did, everybody was dancing there asses off!
Merikan @ The Shredder stage (Let It Roll 2019)

After this amazing set it was finally time for the opening ceremony, the one that everyone was waiting for.

We went to the main stage 'the Mothership' which was a huge kind of spaceship. The music for the ceremony was made by the following producers: Hybrid Minds & Insideinfo, Abis, Icicle, The Outside Agency, and Neonlight. All heroes of the drum and bass scene. With a lot of special effects and big firework explosions it was a show to remember!

Check it out yourself!

When this great show was finished we went back to the Shredder stage to check out Redpill, also a great producer who really gave us a great time. He played a lot of his high quality tracks and the crowd was going absolutely wild on them!

Next up: Audio. Since we had seen this guy at the bus party together with Ed Rush as Killbox we knew this set was gonna be an epic one. Audio performed at the Portal stage and did what he always does, tear the fucking place down! It was a massive set and with this Portal background it looked like we were dancing into another dimension.

(Sorry for the bad sound quality. The action camera couldn't handle the thick basslines of Audio. Too much action!)

Right after the performance of Audio we needed to take a short break and we ordered ourselves some shots of Jägermeister and some more whiskey.

The quality of the food and drinks at the festival are really high. No Nymburgers, but really good hamburgers too. Kaiser Franz rules!

After these nice drinks and great burgers we went to see our new neighbour Ed Rush. He was performing at the Temple stage and this stage was designed really nicely! It looked like an old temple and it had two faces on both sides (L/R) that were staring at the crowd like they were all slaves… Slaves of Drum and Bass! The DJ performance of this drum and bass pioneer was massive and the crowd was on fire. We can’t wait to see him perform at Blackout in the Netherlands at the end of August!

Straight after Ed Rush, we instantly went to the Portal stage. Here we would stay before we finishing off our second day of Let It Roll 2019. It was time to watch Neonlight, and right after that Pythius would finish the day! These two final hours, we danced our asses off till the sun came up!

Just before, we had a small chat with Pythius and we asked him to tear the place down, haha! (In Dutch: Sloop de hele tent!) Well, that’s just what he did. It was a great last hour! Thank you Pythius, see you soon.

(Sorry for the bad sound quality again. The action camera couldn't handle the thick basslines of Pythius. For sale now!)

So, we thought the night was over, but… There was an epic after party on the campsite of the festival. This was in “The Castle” with Captain Jamall. We talked about everything and we had so much fun there. We had truly made ourselves some good, new friends. Thanks guys, we hope to see you soon again! There was a great vibe on the campsite. Maybe next year we will stay on the camping as well. Around 11 o’clock in the morning we stumbled into our taxi and went back to our hotel for a nice short sleep.
Day 3
- The final round -
The third day started off a bit slowly because of our long after party we had the morning before. Around 7 o’clock pm we got ourselves an Uber taxi and went to the festival area. The last day was also going to be a great one because a lot of our favorite artists were playing that day.

First up, Tobax. This bad ass producer knows how to start a fucking party at the Shredder stage. During his set the crowd went insane, from the beginning till the end and again we were full of adrenaline for the rest of the night. Thanks for the stickers and the great music!
Right after Tobax it was Mizo who stepped behind the wheels of steel, also a great neurofunk performance, which could only be played at the extreme Shredder stage!

Mizo @ The Shredder stage (Let It Roll 2019)

Since it was the third day, we thought three in a row would be nice and the third artist at the Shredder stage is definitely one of our favourites, Magnetude! With their extremely high quality produced music, they absolutely were the ones we wanted to see. It was one full hour of serious Drum and bass, just the way we like it! Watch out for these guys because they are absolutely going to be the new heavyweights in the scene.

Magnetude @ The Shredder stage (Let It Roll 2019)

Last but not least, it was the Platinum terrace where we stayed for the last two hours at the Mothership to watch A.M.C and Black Sun Empire. A.M.C was really on a roll and rocked the main stage. The stage design was so beautiful and the music was extremely loud! A great performance! We had such a good time!
A.M.C @ The Mothership (Let It Roll 2019)
When A.M.C was done it was time for our heroes to take over… Black Sun Empire. We have seen these guys so many times (but not at a stage this huge) and every time they show up on stage they do such a great job. Just like every time, we went insane, dancing to their tunes. It was an excellent choice to let them close the Mothership mainstage at Let it roll 2019!
Black Sun Empire @ The Mothership (Let It Roll 2019)

Our Let It Roll experience was almost done but there was still one act which we had to see! And this act was Eatbrain League.

Jade, Teddy Killerz, Fourward and MC Coppa were closing our Let It Roll weekend just the way we wanted. With an extremely high quality drum and bass set in Eatbrain style! It was the neurofunk ending we were all hoping for and everybody pushed their selves one more time to LET IT ROLL!
- In a split second -

And then... In a split second... It was over.

Let It Roll 2019 ended with a big bang! When the music stopped, we had another great after party in a truck of the guys we met at the festival. The owner of the truck made us some great sandwiches and gave us a few more beers. Cheers!

Arriving at our hotel that morning we didn’t have a late checkout, so no more sleep for us. But fuck it, we can sleep when we are dead!
Well that’s about it, it was an amazing weekend and we met such kind people.

Special thanks to Juraj and of course the whole Let It Roll crew for all the hard work they’ve to put in so we can all enjoy - in the best possible way - the best music in the world. Dark Drum and Bass!

Be sure to check out www.letitroll.eu for upcoming events!

We hope to see you all next year!
Dark DnB

P.S. Our Let It Roll 2019 photo gallery will be online in a few days!

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