Killbox - Divine Profits (RAM) | News | Dark DnB


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Denver we love and miss you, can’t wait to be back. Tickets:
@ThysMusic We used to call that the poor man’s sidechain in hardcore.
@EduardoHagn What a lil bitch so he should
Andy C
This week!! Thursday - @dourfestival 🇧🇪 Sunday @electricbayfest 🇬🇧
@xlnaudio Fairfax looks great! Already have the Funk set which is stellar, but time to expand :D
@Protostar @xlnaudio Hahaha, will take a look!
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Killbox - Divine Profits (RAM) | 21st of May 2021
RAM Records · Killbox - Divine Profits

While Ed Rush and Audio are each established dons of the drum and bass scene in their own rights, their collaborative project Killbox has itself also emerged as a powerhouse act. Beginning with their first release under the alias, Pleasure Palace, which found a home on RAM Records in 2018, they’ve continued to provide proof that it’s possible to push the frontiers of the genre while still paying homage to its fundamental structures.
Now, the legendary drum and bass duo have released a monstrously powerful new album on RAM Records, Divine Profits. The album takes listeners on a journey through the tangled dark web of societal greed, using gritty sonic elements and growling basslines to add emotional weight and movement to each track.

With Divine Profits, Killbox firmly sets the benchmark for what we should expect, and hope, to hear from the DnB community as we enter the post-COVID era. Dust off those moshing shoes before you rinse these tunes!

Release date: 21-5-2021
Label: RAM Records
Catalog: RAMMLP45

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